I love teaching Pilates to men. There… I said it. And here’s why: they tend to start skeptical, really work hard, and greatly benefit from the results!

Not to alienate the 70% of my clientele that are women, trans, or non-binary — but my workouts with (cisgender) men often include more exercises, move faster with less explanation, and have a more “athletic” focus. While all clients can have quick and lasting results with Pilates…  It’s especially gratifying to have a man walk into my studio hunched over with chronic back pain and have him walk out standing tall, without pain — to hear him say “that was a lot harder than I expected” and book more appointments because he truly sees the value!

More and more men are adding Pilates to their fitness program. The “Pilates is just for women” stigma has faded in recent years as recognition of the benefits of Pilates have become mainstream – especially with an aging population and high-performance athletes. More men are finding Pilates mainly because IT REALLY WORKS! Who doesn’t want better posture, a more flexible spine, a strong core, and improved performance?

Interested in learning more about why Pilates is great for men and my specific teaching tips? Read my full article Teaching Pilates to Men on PilatesBridge.com.

Teaching Pilates for Men

by Maria Andresino